A face psihoterapie de calitate este un lucru esential in vremurile pe care le traim iar resursele de psihoterapie din care sa ne informam ca psihoterapeuti sunt esentiale.
Iata mai jos o lista – un loc de inceput si de continuat lecturile psihoterapeutice si calatoria de a fi fiinta umana. Nu este o lista completa, insa ofera foarte multe idei noi si multa inspiratie.
Unele din titlurile de mai jos au link-uri care trimit spre documentele online oferite gratis pe Internet, altele contin rezumate ale cartilor respective iar altele contin link-ul spre site-uri de unde puteti achizitiona cartile respective.
Partea 1: Resurse legate direct de psihoterapie
Despre terapie:
I’m working on it in therapy: how to get the most out of psychotherapy, Gary Trosclair
Wisdom from the couch: knowing and growing yourself from the inside out, Jennifer Kunst
Darul Psihoterapiei, Irvin Yalom
What it feels like to change, Alison Crosthwait
The Therapeutic Aha: 10 Strategies for getting your clients unstuck, Courtney Armstrong
Inside your therapist’s mind: how a psychotherapist thinks and why it works, Dr Drew Permut
On becoming a person: a therapist’s view of psychotherapy, Carl Rogers
Know yourself: how psychotherapy works and how it can improve your life in unforeseen ways, Andrew Carley
In session: The bond between women and their therapists, Deborah Lott
Povesti de psihoterapie
Carti de psihoterapie in limba romana scrise de Irvin Yalom:
Psihoterapie in film
cartile lui John Kabat-Zinn Books
On Dreams, Sigmund Freud
Memorii, vise si reflectii, Carl Jung
Terapie cognitiv-comportamentala
CBT for Dummies, Rob Wilson& Rena Branch
CBT Self-Help Course (free)
Psihoanaliza relationala
Freud and Beyond, Margaret Black&Stephen Mitchell
100 years of psychoanalysis: A timeline 1900-2000, Elizabeth Young-Bruehl (Chart)
That Was Then This Is Now: An Introduction to Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory, Jonathan Shelder
Gestalt Terapie
The Awakening Year: An Exploration in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Margaret Selwyn
Skills in Gestalt Counselling and Psychotherapy, Joyce&Sills
Existential Therapy Irvin Yalom
Man’s Search for meaning, Viktor Frankl
Psihoterapie pentru trauma
Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma: Conversations with Pioneering clinicians and researchers
Carti accesibile:
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis” Understanding personality structure in the clinical process, Nancy McWilliams
The power of countertransference: innovations in analytic technique, Karen Maroda
What Therapists don’t talk about and why: understanding taboos that hurt us and our clients, Pope&Sonne&Greene
On being a therapist, Jeffrey Kottler
Talking therapy podcast, John Webber and RJ Thomas
Resurse auxiliare:
Insight-uri psihologice
The Drama of the Gifted Child, Alice Miller
Conscious Feminity: Interviews with Marion Woodman,
The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown (Ted Talk)
Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing your inner child, John Bradshaw
Non-violent communication: a language of life, Marshall B. Rosenberg
I’m Ok – you’re OK, Thomas Harris
The language of feelings, David Viscott
Trapped in the mirror: adult children of narcissist in their struggle for self, Elan Golomb
Playing and Reality, D.W.Winnicott
Man’s Search for Himself, Rollo May
Broken Open: How Difficult times can help us grow, Elizabeth Lesser
The language of emotions: what your feelings are trying to tell you, Karla McLaren
Wired for happy, Linda Esposito (online project)
The Next Happy: let go of the life you planned and find a new way forward, Tracey Cleantis
Women who run with the wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Sanatate mentala
The mental illness happy hour (podcast)
Couples &Relationships
The 5 love languages: The secret to a love that lasts, Gary Chapman
The new rules of marriage: what you need to do to make love work, Terrence Real
Mating in Captivity: unlocking erotic intelligence, Esther Perel
The Story Course, Sarah Selecky (online course)
Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert
Writing Down The Bones: freeing the writer within, Natalie Goldberg
True Prosperity Program, Carmen Spagnola (online course)
Anxious kids, Anxious Parents, Reid Wilson http://www.londonderry.org/documents/teachers/middle%20schoolprincipal’s%20office/AnxiousParents_AnxiousKids.pdf
Good Grief: healing through the shadow of loss, Deborah Morris Coryell
The Adversity Within, Tim Lawrence
On death and dying, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
The Body keeps the score, Bessel van Der Kolk
Bioenergetics, Alexander Lowen
Smart but Stuck, Emotions in teens and adults with ADHD, Thomas Brown
In the realm of the hungry ghosts, Gabor Mate
Yoga for Emotional Flow CD, Stephen Cope
Three Part Yogic Breath, Video
Yoga and The Quest for the true self, Stephen Cope
The Places That Scare You: A Guide To Fearlessness During Difficult Times, Pema Chodron
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
Barefoot Disciple: Walking The Way Of Passionate Humility, Stephen Cherry
No Boundary, Ken Wilbur
Demian, Hermann Hesse
On Being (Podcast)
Sursa: http://www.therapyschool.co/
Un răspuns
Este impresionant să vezi cât de multe resurse valoroase sunt disponibile pentru psihoterapeuți. Oare câți dintre cei care lucrează în domeniul psihoterapiei folosesc aceste resurse pentru a-și îmbunătăți practica? Cum ar putea aceste lecturi și materiale să influențeze pozitiv viața pacienților lor? Este clar că educația continuă și accesul la informații de calitate sunt esențiale pentru a oferi sprijin eficient și empatic celor care caută ajutor în psihoterapie.