Recomandare: Cursuri, acordaje si initieri

Publicat: 23 iulie 2016
Comentarii: Fără răspunsuri
1 Reiki Usui gradele 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 .
2 Reiju
3 Karuna si Karuna Ki Reiki 1 2 M
4 Shamballa Reiki 1, 2 ,3 M
5 Inforeiki 1, 2, M
6 Ordinul lui Melchisedek 1, 2, M
7 Money Reiki 1, 2, M
8 Huna
9 River Money Reiki
10 Abundance & Prosperity Reiki
11 Baraka
12 Culorile Ingerilor
13 Angel Reiki
14 Tehnica Divina a Iluminarii
15 Ceremonia Focului
16 Purificare Transformare Iluminare Divina
17 Tehnica Buddha Amithaba
18 Radiestezie gradele 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
19 Radiestezie Multi Dimensional Healing MDH gradul 1,2
20 Cristale Eterice
21 Ascension Reiki 1~1o M
22 Cronica Akasha
23 Armonia Universala
24 Ordinul lui Metatron
25 Grand Master Reiki Gradele 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
26 Angel Flame
27 Merlin Empowerment
28 Ama Deus M
29 Munay Ki M
30 Shamanism
31 Puteri Cosmice:
1 Kali,
2 Tara,
3 Tripura Sundari
4 Bhuvaneshwari,
5 Tripura Bhairavi
6 Chinnamasta,
7 Dhumavati,
8 Bagalamukhi,
9 Matangi,
10 Kamalatmika
11 Ganesha
12 Shiva
32 Gtummo Mao Shan 1, 2, 3, 4 M
33 Knights of Archangel Michael
34 Seikim M
35 Isis Seikim M
36 Ahara Reiki M
37 RA
38 Isis
39 Horus si Ochiul lui Horus
40 Marea Piramida
41 Lightarian Rays
42 Osiris
43 Anubis
44 Ptah
45 Ma`at
46 Hathor
47 Geb
48 Nut
49 Sekhmet
50 Nephthys
51 Sobek
52 Bast
53 Sufi Reiki
54 Gayatri Mantra Empowerment
55 Dragon Empowerment
56 Energi for Protection of Reiki
57 Order of Saint Germain
58 Psychic Protection Flame
59 Silver Violet Flame
60 Ze`or Continuum
61 Rakama Reiki
62 The White Wolf Empowerment
63 Ajna Lens
64 Ankh golden
65 Constiinta Cristica
66 Kuan Yin Attunement 1~7
67 Light of Prosperity Empowerment
68 Maha Kali Seikim
69 Medicine Buddha
70 Nature Devas and Fairies Attunement
71 Fearless Reiki
72 The four Holy Arhengels
73 The Gates of Ra
74 Earth Star
75 Rainbow Light Healing System 2
76 Rainbow Light Healing System 1
77 Faery Tree Spirit Energy
78 Archangel Gabriel link
79 The Atlantian Cristal Activation
80 Ganesha Empowerment
81 Biological Aura
82 Melchizedek Initiation
83 White Dove Reiki
84 The 7 basic steps to ascension
85 Love and Compassion
86 Zodiac Reiki Balanta
87 The 12 Chakras
88 Te Exorciso
89 Zodiac Reiki Rac
90 Zodiac Reiki Maestru
91 Zodiac Reiki Fecioara
92 Zodiac Reiki Pestii
93 Zodiac Reiki Taur
94 Nectar of the Sphinx
95 Metatron Initiation
96 Constantine Protector
97 Zodiac Reiki Gemeni
98 Universal Reiki
99 The Calming Spiritual Waters Empowerment
100 Zodiac Reiki Scorpion
101 New Lemurian Energy
102 Wing Care
103 Tiger Reiki
104 Opening to Channel
105 Orgone Diffuser
106 Phoenix Rising
107 Zodiac Reiki Leu
108 Metatron’s Cube Manual
109 The Secret to Abundance
110 The Crystal Dragons
111 Telos Energy System
112 Magic of Merlin
113 Falon Dafa Qigong
114 Zodiac Reiki Sagetator
115 Golden Triangle
116 Grand Master Five Element
117 Sakkara Fire Reiki
118 Violet Flame Reiki
119 Lavender Plant Shakti
120 Full Spectrum Light
121 Zodiac Reiki Capricorn
122 Zodiac Reiki Berbec
123 Ki Manna
124 Knights of the Order of the Holy Grail
125 Gold Reiki
126 Imara Reiki
127 Tibetan Reiki
128 Fear Disorders Reiki
129 Elemental Reiki
130 Durga Shakti
131 Deep Red Reiki
132 Celestial Reiki
133 Orb of Life
134 M92 Star Cluster Reiki
135 El Morya Healing System
136 Crystal Deva Empowerment
137 Nine Witches of Brittany
138 Energy and Magic of the Fairies
139 Chandra Aura
140 Excalibur Reiki
141 Chinese Dragons
142 Chamuel Archanghel Link
143 Colors of Fairies
144 Kundalini Reik
145 Michael Archangelic Link
146 The Diamond of Seraph Zapharel
147 Chakra Healing Attunements
148 DNA Healing
149 Archangel Uriel Link
150 Ashta Lakshmi Reiki
151 Diamond Himalaya Reiki
152 Archangel Jophiel Link
153 Aura Empowerment Reiki
154 New Celtic Reiki
155 Metatron Archangelic Link
156 Celtic Reiki
157 Dragon Egg Reiki
158 Archangel Cassiel
159 Astral Body Radiance
160 Ariel Archangelic Link
161 Cippus of Horus
162 Angelic Senses
163 Elven (Elf) Shamanic Healing
164 Angelic Cellular Healing
165 Akashic Records Attunement
166 Spiritual Cuddle Empowerment
167 Sand Empowerment
168 Ordinul lui Zalmoxe 1, 2
169 Spiritual Transmission
170 Erotic Empowerment
171 Whale Spiral Song Reiki
172 Vajrasattva Bronze Dragon
173 Stargate Initiantion 12:12
174 Sea Salt Empowerment
175 Unicorns Energy Healing System
176 Tibetan Sunrise
177 Stargate Initiantion 13:13
178 Raku Fire Reiki Dragon Way
179 Templar and Troubador
180 Mont Saint Michel Empowerment
181 Turquoise Flame
182 Who Am I Reiki
183 Grounding-Empowerment
184 Hawaiian Trinity Aloha Reiki
185 Indigo Kids
186 Hawaiian Trinity Kahuna Reiki
187 Hawaiian Trinity Uhane Reiki
188 Sacre Coeur of Paris
189 Isis Blue Moon Healing System
190 Chakra Mudra Balancing Empowerment
191 love Forgive Magic Angels
192 Lucky Hoodoo Reiki
193 Golden Scroll Reiki
195 Archangel Raziel
196 Agape Reiki
197 Feathers of An Angel
198 Dragons Lair
199 Francisc de Assisi Reiki
200 Buddhas Bliss
201 Angel Garadiel Energy
202 Gnostic Rose
203 Green Tara Seichim
204 Awakining of the Guardians of the Holy Grail
205 Angel Contact
206 Alchemy Reiki
207 Alchemy & Requisite of 13-20-33 Circuitry
208 Starseed Energy Bundle
209 Seven Lucky Gods of Japan
210 Higher Clearing Ray
211 Working Toward Ascension in 2012
212 love Cocoons
213 Lullaby Reiki
214 Mithras Initiation
215 Grandmother Moon
216 Hearth Attunement
217 Grandmaster Cedar Temple Five Animals
218 Enchanted Hedgerows
219 Pachamama Shaman Aura
220 Alien Aura Devices Reiki
221 Egyptian Energies
222 13 Ascended Masters
223 Pale Green Muscovite Empowerment
224 The Royal Order of the Swan
225 Dolphin Stone of Mu
226 Dolphin Seichim Reiki
227 The Knights Templars
228 Diamond Ray of Quan Yin
229 Dolphins of Atlantis
230 Dos Rios Reiki
231 Amulet of Kemet
232 Planetary Ray 1
233 Planetary Ray 2
234 Cosmic Ray Attunement 3
235 Order of LightWorkers
236 Ray of Hope Empowerment
237 Dhuni Reiki
238 Balance Out Empowerment
239 Tehnici Psiho-Informationale Master Class PSY IT
240 Allowing Abundance Attunement
241 Cele 12 Raze ale Arhanghelilor
242 Blue Light Star System
243 Elenari Healing System
244 Shield of Archangel Michael
245 Hands of Jesus Attunement
246 The Golden Keys to Ascension
247 God Attunements
248 Telos Empowerment
249 Scoala Spirituala Zalmoxiana Nivelul 1,2,3 ,4 si 5
250 Clear the Path Reiki
251 Angel Contact manual
252 Angelic Human Activation
253 Earth Blessing Empowerment
254 Planetary Intelligence Attunements
255 The Flame of Universal Love
256 Tsukuyominomikoto 1
257 Merkaba
258 Bardo
259 Curs Mandala
260 Curs Numerologie
261 Morning Dew Reiki
262 Shinki
263 Infinite Light Empowerment
264 Shift Your Energy Empowerment
265 Money Freedom Empowerment
266 Attune to Divinity Empowerment
267 Azarel
268 Tsukuyominomikoto 2
269 Metatron Energy System
270 Om Empowerment
271 The Third Eye Activation
272 White Protection Energy Bubble
273 Mastering Self Attunements;
274 Fusion Reiki
275 Buddha Dzambhala of Prosperity
276 Etheric Acupuncture
277 Agape Reiki
278 Raphael Arhanghel Link
279 Earthlight Energy
280 Above the Radar Reiki
281 Life Force Energy Healing
282 The Courage Of Spirit Empowerment
283 Sandalphon Archangelic Link
284 Pain Management Empowerment
285 Osiris’s Male Relationship Repair Empowerment
286 Chakra Flush Empowerment
288 Elohim Initiation
289 Bible Initiations
292 Intuition Reiki
293 Pulse Resonance Attunements
294 Tera Mai
295 Lyran Star Attunement
296 Akashic Angels
ANDREI DANIEL ALEXE –  Formator,Terapeut, Radiestezist, Maestru Reiki ofera consultatii, cursuri, initieri, acordaje in radiestezie gradele 1-10, terapie reiki gradele 1-20, shamanism, si alte initieri/sisteme si orice alte intrebari legate de spiritualitate.
Confectionez anse personalizate, Radiestezie, Inforeiki.
Cursuri, initieri fata in fata si la distanta.
Facebook: Andrei Daniel Alexe,
Bucuresti: Sector 1, B-dul Ion Mihalache
Telefon: +40768581843
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